Huwebes, Disyembre 12, 2013

Chapter 2


What are the effects of watching Detective Conan, a Japanese Anime, in the society?

Anime, its Origin and Detective Conan as an Anime

        Anime is now considered a recognized form of animation and is very well-known worldwide. The definition of Anime, according to Merriam Webster Dictionary, is a style of animation originating in Japan that is characterized by stark colorful graphics depicting vibrant characters in action-filled plots often with fantastic or futuristic themes. Anime also includes a lot of genre just like a movie or a book. Popular genres used in Anime shows are action, adventure, science fiction, love/ romance, school life, sports, fantasy, mystery, etc.

        Before proceeding to other information regarding Anime, here is a history of Anime summarized from the article “A Brief History of Anime Primer” by Cosmo P. Justy. Anime rooted in manga, or Japanese comics. Manga were established over hundred years ago and started as pictures drawn on temple walls, then on wooden blocks and finally as woodblock prints with captions gathered in books. As time passed by, the caption had its storylines and became arranged in chronological order. By the early 20th century, manga became the central form of Japanese literature. Due to its important role in Japanese society, manga engaged in all ages were regularly circulated and the span of animated films widened to all age groups. And when television turned out to be a prominent amusement medium in Japan, animation certainly became a big part of the programming roster.

        Beyond this, Anime had pioneered the media industry in different countries including Philippines. One popular Anime show that aired in the Philippine television for many years until now is Detective Conan. Detective Conan is a Japanese Anime based on a hit manga by Gosho Aoyama. It started airing in the Philippines on September 10, 2001 through GMA Network.

        In Detective Conan’s storyline, the most obvious anime genres used are adventure, drama, mystery, thriller and comedy. In terms of adventure genre, Detective Conan deals with a lot of characters affecting the protagonist and exploring new places, and it constructs an extensive plot with the main character having a solid contextual. Next is drama that copes with suspenseful, full of emotions and shocking events. The characters and its storyline are well-developed and this usually touches every viewer’s heart. Then, Detective Conan also includes mystery genre because it keeps the viewers wondering what will happen next and involves a chain of unexplained events that the protagonist encompasses along. Another is thriller genre in which provides the sudden urgency of feelings, exhilaration and excitement that drives audiences on the edge of their seats. Lastly, aside from adventure, drama, mystery and thriller, it also consists of light humor that is achieved through props, character compositions and the design of Japanese language.

        The story revolves around Shinichi Kudo, a 17-year-old high school detective, who helps the police solve complicated cases. When he was investigating, he got attacked by two Black Organization syndicate members and forced him to drink a poison which is APTX 4869 to kill him. But the chemical has a rare side effect that turns him to a 7-year-old boy. To hide his identity, to investigate about the Black Organization and to find the antidote to transform him to his original body, he adopted the name Conan Edogawa. He lives with his friend Ran and her detective father, not knowing that he is Shinichi. Later, Shiho Miyano, creator of APTX 4869, escapes from Black Organization by ingesting the chemical poison. She stays with Dr. Hiroshi Agasa, the one who helps and gives Conan gadgets. She also enrolls to the school where Conan is currently studying.

Purposes of Detective Conan

“Everything happens for a reason.”, a quote from an optimistic person. In similar manner, Detective Conan has purposes why it was made and not just about mere entertainment. Based on five sequential articles about the “Purpose of Anime and Manga” of ghostlightning (author's codename), the researcher had filtered out several purposes which are related to Detective Conan. The numberings are according to the articles where the purposes are derived.

Purpose 001:
To make time stand still so I can relax in a way that my problems matter less in the next half-hour. In watching Detective Conan, viewers can relax and think less about their problems like stopping time for a while.

Purpose 003:
To escape. By watching Detective Conan, people can somehow forget their burdens and can easily escape from complex reality. It is an easiest access to get away from responsibilities and obligations, and relieve themselves for a couple of minutes.

Purpose 004:
To enjoy a side order of characterization with a main course of fan service. With watching Detective Conan, viewers can imagine that they are the protagonist and enable to relate themselves in the situations the character has been experiencing.

Purpose 006:
To feel good about people and about ourselves by extension. Anime such as Detective Conan tackles some social issues that people deal in real life. And by watching Detective Conan, people can somehow feel that they are contributing in solving these issues.

Purpose 008:
To confront our own insecurities in closed spaces where internal problems have external solutions. By means of watching Detective Conan, viewers leave their insecurities by imagining that they are the main character who can do great and admirable things in the Anime.

Purpose 010:
To see a spectacle that cannot be expressed any other way as interestingly except through animation (despite or because of the limitations for it). Animation can convey specific scene that other form of media can not specify. Also, Anime are much interesting than others.

Purpose 011:
To have a warm “kyaaaaa” feeling in your heart when there’s no love in your real life. Detective Conan also features love story of Ran Mori and Shinichi Kudo. By watching such romantic scenes, viewers can feel warmth of love even though they do not have love life.

Purpose 014:
To realize that magic is not the center of the world even though you are supposed to be watching a world with magic. Through watching Detective Conan, we can figure out that life is not easy and perfect. Detective Conan’s storyline includes antagonist and conflicts related to the main character that hinders him to achieve his goals in life.

Effects of Watching Detective Conan

Detective Conan, in its hundreds of episodes, features many things. And from these stuffs include a lot of learning that viewers can get either positive or negative. So, here is the elaboration of effects of watching Detective Conan in various aspects of society.

A.  Negative Effects

1. Behavioral Problems:
 Behavioral problems of some people are due to violence they have witness in Anime shows.  And according to the aticle of Josephine Florenzo entitled “Violent Japanese Anime and Emotional Understones”, the violence shown in Anime shows is presented truthfully and realistic. The emphasis is also on physical suffering and the consequences of violence are highlighted. Detective Conan includes the genre of action and all of the episodes features deaths and physical fights. It is somehow not avoidable that viewers might adapt some violent scenes in that Anime.

2. Low Productivity:
 A blog post of Lisa Nubla entitled “5- Negative Effects of Anime from Personal Experience” discussed about five bad effects of watching Anime from her personal experiences. She stated that the first effect of watching Anime to her is it takes the time allotted to make her assignments. Instead of doing her home works, she chooses to watch Anime. In similar manner, because of addiction to the Anime show Detective Conan, some viewers tend to have low productivity. They become lazy and unproductive due to watching of Anime and sacrificing their important tasks.

B.  Positive Effects

1. Cultural Nuances:
 Japanese culture is rich with periods of exceptional art. Moreover, Japanese language and history are viewed through Anime shows such as Detective Conan. According to Melissa Gromley in her article entitled “Japanese Culture shown through Anime”, Japanese culture was introduced worldwide through Anime shows broadcasted in different countries. There is also an impact of the culture to Anime lovers that indirectly acquired love and appreciation for the culture. Since Detective Conan was originated in Japan, it shows the culture and hidden beauty of Japan and the Japanese way of friendship, love and student’s life that are applicable in real life. Also, viewers can learn and study the language through watching Japanese Anime.

2. Technological Advancement:
Detective Conan features a lot of gadgets such as voice-changing, power-enhancing shoes, glasses modification(microphone), stun-gun wristwatch, detective boys badge, turbo engine skateboard, criminal tracking glasses, elasticity suspenders, button speaker, earring cellphone, wristwatch flashlight, voice-changing face mask  and anywhere ball dispensing belt. According to the term paper made by Gerald Elem entitled “Effects of Watching Anime”, Anime shows present technological advancements that features some future ideas that the society would have in the future. Detective Conan serves as an overview about some future notions on what would take place in the future and what technological progressions can people expect not only in Japan but also in the world.

3. Interest in Art:
An article entitled “The Effects of Anime on Students” mentioned that any individuals interested in Anime pursue an importance in art. Likewise, fans of Detective Conan often draw Anime characters such as Shinichi Kudo, Conan Edogawa and Ran Mori. They are also interested in designing their own Anime characters. By this, it enables them to excel their abilities to draw lifelike drawings. Furthermore, this may inspires some animators to create their own Anime discussing social issues.

4. Social Benefits:
 According to a study of Lawrence Eng, a researcher with a Ph. D. in Science and Technology Studies from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, social interaction is one great positive effect of Anime. To illustrate, Eng said that those people are keen victims of stereotype which casts them as anti-social and unapproachable. Then after becoming an Anime fans, they are instantly accepted by other people who like Anime. Besides, fans of Detective Conan and other Anime unite around the globe by their common interest of Anime. Many meet online and at anime conventions within their country that encourages them to make and wear homemade costumes based on specific Anime characters. By these gatherings, friendships and even marriages are developed through anime fandom.

5. Skepticism:
 From an article entitled “Fun with Manga” by Brian Dunning, some Anime and manga are effective learning tools to learn the context of real world. In the same way, Detective Conan contributes a lot in developing children’s critical thinking abilities. Not to easily believe, be observant and be skeptical about the statements provided and events occurring in the surroundings are some morals that Detective Conan underscores which are helpful to hone viewers' real life knowledge.

6. Power of Deduction:

Deductive reasoning is the rational process of looking for reasons, beliefs, conclusions, actions, or feelings. In daily lives, humans reason at every moment. People try to predict the consequences of activities and deduce as much as possible from perceptions and logic. An article entitled “The Art of Deduction” by John Watson discussed the positive contributions of deductive reasoning in the book Sherlock Holmes. Although the article was based from the book Sherlock Holmes, it is related to Detective Conan since Conan Edogawa’s or Shinichi Kudo’s deductive reasoning skills was derived from Sherlock Holmes’ deductive reasoning skills. And with watching Detective Conan, people can adapt the way Conan Edogawa solves complicated criminal cases and he uses deductive reasoning. By this, reasoning skills can be enhanced and developed to further help human beings survive in the present world and move forward. 

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